PLAY CELLO! Pamela Washburn Cello Studio

Frankford Rd/Voss Rd, Dallas, Texas, 75287

Pamela Washburn Teaches one to one in person Cello Lessons to all levels of advancement, with an eye to developing Expanded Creativity, Teamwork Skills, and Concentration. The Basics of a strong technique are relevant to all levels, for through them, the door to Expressiveness in music is Opened. D I D Y O U K N O W? Playing A Musical Instrument Makes You Smarter It Makes Work Fun Playing Music Relieves Stress Music leads to Self-expression Creates a sense of Achievement Creating music helps increase language learning, math skills and social skills. ā€‹ And ~ It Is Fun ! Personally, my first love is music, so I do what I enjoy. Professionally, I believe that playing an instrument is important for balancing creativity with purely mental work, and it has become crucial in this technological environment in which we live. My one goal is to convey to & inspire each student how they can always have enriching experiences in music/playing, if they dedicate themselves to the goal of learning. I want each one to have in their life some of the transformational experiences I have had throughout my career in music. No words can describe it. Being able to experience their confidence in solo and chamber music performances is a very important part of all that. Conversations, questions are Welcomed!

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