Natalia Tikhovidova Piano Lessons
10908 Tomatillo Lane, SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87123
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Are you tired just reading about all this performing and teaching? I don’t remember sleeping much all those years, but somehow I also learned English and in 2013, I also completed a second Master’s Degree in Piano Performance at the University of New Mexico where I studied with Professor Falko Steinbach. During my studies there I became interested in playing organ and have since become the organist and accompanist at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Albuquerque. In the last year, I’ve tried to slow down a little. So I am trying to be more selective in the students I teach and the concert work I do. I enjoy doing outreach and playing for organizations like the Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation where I performed in Sasebo, Japan as a representative of the city I now call home.
pianistnm.com10908 Tomatillo Lane, SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87123
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