Amda College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts

211 West 61st Street, New York, New York, 10023

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Your future in the performing arts doesn't have to be a dream. For over 50 years, AMDA has launched some of the most successful careers in theatre, film and television. AMDA creates industry professionals who don't just wait for life to happen—they stage their own career path. Watched by the eyes of millions, our graduates take the world's stages, film sets and movie screens, changing the way we think about art in the 21st century. Now it's your turn. Success requires more than just talent. From the moment you arrive until the day you graduate, AMDA trains you to leave our doors a professional ready to work in today's competitive industry. With over 150 opportunities to perform each year, you'll receive world-class training while living in the beating hearts of the world's entertainment capitals: Los Angeles and New York City. To become the best, you'll train with the best. You'll receive world-class training from our faculty of successful Broadway directors, choreographers, actors, film directors, TV producers and casting agents who are still working in entertainment. Each day will immerse you in a rigorous and demanding pursuit of excellence, giving you the knowledge and skill set that will last you a lifetime. It's time for your next role—you're ready. Welcome to AMDA. THE HISTORY OF AMDA The concept and vision of AMDA was created by dynamic artists and educators at the forefront of their fields in Broadway, Shakespeare, Hollywood film, world-renowned dance, playwriting and academia. This group of distinguished and successful artists shared a unique philosophy: that the training of any performing artist – whether it be of an actor, a singer, or a dancer – benefits greatly by including core classes in voice, speech, movement, dance, and acting. Recognizing the value that "cross-training" would have to each individual performing artist, the AMDA curriculum was born. This was an original, non-traditional approach; in 1964, the year of AMDA's founding, no other performing arts school or program offered an immersive, multi-disciplinary style of AOS or Certificate study. Since AMDA's beginning, its signature model of training has been adopted as the gold standard of performing arts education by colleges and universities throughout the country, and indeed throughout the world.

211 West 61st Street, New York, New York, 10023



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